Dev Notes

Software Development Resources by David Egan.

Grep Commands Cheatsheet

Sysadmin, grep
David Egan

Grep is a handy command-line utility that enables you to search text or files.

More formally: Grep (Global Regular Expression Print) is a utility for searching plain-text datasets for lines that match a given regular expression.

Grep was developed for Unix, but is now available for all unix-like systems (e.g. Linux).

Basic Command Syntax

# Output all lines that contain 'target string' in filename.log
grep 'target string' /var/log/filename.log

# Output all lines that contain 'target string' in multiple files
grep 'target string' filename1 filename2 filename3

Ignore Case

Use -i:

# Return lines containing 'David', 'david', 'DAVID' etc
grep -i 'david' /var/log/auth.log

Use -r:

# Search all apache log files for
grep -r "" /var/log/apache2

# Sample Output:
/var/log/apache2/ - - [12/Oct/2016:21:33:16 +0100] "GET /uploads/2015/08/example.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 628726 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G920F Build/MMB29K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.124 Mobile Safari/537.36"

To suppress the filename. use the -h option. This example shows suppressed filenames and sends the result output to a file:

grep -h -r "" /var/log/apache2 > ~/about-log

Search for Whole Words

Grep will return lines that contain the target string - it may be a fragment of another string. To return only lines containing the target string as a distinct word, use the -w option:

# Return lines containing 'example' as a distinct word
grep -w 'example' /var/log/logfile.log

Search for many words requires egrep (extended grep), or escaping the pipe character:

# Returns lines that contain either specified word using egrep
egrep -w "david|elaine" /var/log/auth.log

# Same:
grep -w "david\|elaine" /var/log/auth.log

# Recursively search apache logs for either specified string:
egrep -Rwi --color '|' /var/log/apache2


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