Dev Notes

Software Development Resources by David Egan.

Introduction to Vectors in C++

C++, Data Structures, Vectors
David Egan

C-style arrays in C and C++ are not dynamic - the compiler needs to know the size of the array (the type and number of elements) in order to properly allocate memory. This is quite different to interpreted languages like Python, PHP and JavaScript, where arrays are inherently dynamic - you don’t need to specify data type and size in advance.

Vectors in C++ are standard containers which provide powerful dynamic-array like functionality, with fixed-time access to elements in any order. Vectors are defined by a template class available in the standard library - you just need to add #include <vector> to your header file to have access to vector functionality.

A C++ vector can be described as a dynamic C-style array - with fast and efficient access to individual elements in any order. You don’t need to worry about memory and size allocation. Subscripting (i.e. myVector[]) access is provided as with C-style arrays.

Vectors work by setting up an initial memory allocation for your data. If more data is added and the allocation is exceeded, the vector class creates a new, bigger array in memory. The old array is copied across to the new, before being deleted. This is all abstracted away so you don’t need to worry about it, though you should probably take measures to minimise re-allocation - which will help maximise performance.

This article is an ongoing summary of my notes on functions in C++. Please don’t assume that what you read here is accurate. For a more complete description of vectors in C++, check the references presented below.


Include the appropiate header to give access to the vector class. Then declare the vector - which shoudl specify the data type that will be contained by the vector:

#include <vector>

// Define a vector that will contain integers
std::vector<int> myIntsContainer;

// Define a vector that will contain doubles
std::vector<double> myDoublesContainer;

For convenience, you can use a typedef statement to make declarations more concise:

// Set up aliases
typedef std::vector<int> intVec;
typedef std::vector<double> doubleVec;

// Declarations
intVec myIntsContainer;
doubleVec myDoublesContainer;


To initialise, you can use an initialiser list provided your compiler supports this. This method works with g++ version 5.4.0 on Ununtu, compiling with the c++11 flag.

// Method 1
std::vector<int> myVec {1,3,5};

// Method 2 (equivalent to method 1)
std::vector<int> myAltVec = {2,4,6};

You can also specify the initial size during the declaration, and only set values later:

// Specify size in the vector constructor.
// This works with int data type, but will cause problems with aggregate data types.
// See the std::vector::reserve() method
std::vector<int> myVec(3)
myVec = {7,8,9};

// You can still dynamically add elements, even though the size was specified during initialisation
myVec.push_back(10); // myVec is now {7,8,9,10}


The reserve() method is a better option for specifying an original size rather than using the vector constructor, which will cause problems when the vector holds aggregate data:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    struct KeyVal {
        std::string key;
        int val;
    std::vector<KeyVal> options;

    // Set the capacity for this vector

    // Add initial data
    options = {
        {"Option 1", 1},
        {"Option 2", 2},
        {"Option 3", 3}

    // Up to 7 more elements can be added with re-allocation
    options.push_back({"Option 4", 4});

    for(KeyVal& option : options) {
        std::cout << option.key << ": " << option.val << std::endl;
    return 0;

Initialising With Values ———————— To initialise a vector with 5 elements, each element being the int 42:

std::vector<int> v(5, 42); // v is {42, 42, 42, 42, 42}

In this case, the first parameter is the number of elements, and the second parameter is the value to which they should be set.

Be careful to distinguish between this method and curly-brace initialisers:

std::vector<int> v{5, 42}; // v is {5, 42}

Curly brace initialisation treats each element in the intialisation list as an element, and constructs the vector accordingly.

Adding Elements

The vector.assign(n, el) method overwrites the vector, such that it contains n elements, each defined by el.

The vector.push_back(el) method appends an element to the vector.

To add an element to a position specified by an iterator use vector.insert().


// Define an empty vector `doubleContainer` that will contain the double data type
std::vector<double> doubleContainer;

// Assign
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Populate the vector with 10 elements, each with a value of 3.14159
doubleContainer.assign(10, 3.14159);

// The original vector will be over-written by assign
doubleContainer.assign(3, 9.806); // {9.806, 9.806, 9.806}

// Append
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
doubleContainer.push_back(3.14159); // {9.806, 9.806, 9.806, 3.14159}

// Insert - requires an iterator
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create an iterator for the vector
std::vector<double>::iterator it;

// Set a position for the iterator - in this case, after the first element
it = doubleContainer.begin() + 1;

// Insert a value
doubleContainer.insert(it, 5.601); // {9.806, 5.601, 9.806, 9.806, 3.14159}


Note that:

  • assign() overwrites the vector
  • insert() requires an iterator as first parameter, not a simple index
  • push_back() appends to the vector

Add Elements at a Precise Position

struct User {
      int id; std::string name;
std::vector<User> users;

// emplace() requires an iterator
std::vector<User>::iterator uIt = users.begin();
users.emplace(uIt, User{42, "David"});

// The iterator relating to this container is invalidated by `emplace()`.
// To call `emplace()` again, the iterator must be reset.
uIt = users.begin();
users.emplace(uIt + 1, User{444, "Elaine"});

for(User& u : users) {
    std::cout << "Name: " << << ", ID: " << << std::endl;

Note that if a reallocation is triggered by emplace() (i.e. the allocated memory block grows), all iterators, pointers and references for the container are invalidated. If no reallocation occurs, only those pointing to the position and beyond are invalidated. All iterators, pointers and references to elements before position keep referring to the same elements they were referring to before the emplace() call.

More Efficient Appending

The vector::emplace_back() function inserts a new element at the end of the vector.

The new element is constructed in place using the provided arguments. This avoids a copy action, improving efficiency as compared with push_back().

The allocated storage space will only be extended if the new vector size exceeds the current vector capacity.

When the vector element is made up of aggregate data (like a struct), the benefits of emplace_back() vs push_back() may be negated. In this case, you should use an initialiser list constructor in the data structure, which will allow the new element to be constructed in-place without a copy.

// `emplace_back()` with aggregate data
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Book {
    // Initialiser list constructor.
    Book(int id, std::string title, std::string author): id(id), title(title), author(author) {}
    int id;
    std::string title;
    std::string author;

// Initialise a vector of Books
std::vector<Book> books;

// Reserve memory - vector will hold up to 20 elements before re-allocation is necessary

// When using `push_back()`, a temporary object of appropriate type is created and initialized
books.push_back({ 456, "A Scanner Darkly", "Philip K Dick", 15.99 });

// ...has the same performance as `push_back()`, because a temporary `Book` is constructed:
books.emplace_back(Book{ 777, "Guards Guards!", "Terry Pratchett", 9.99 });

// However, the following works if the Struct has an initialiser list constructor:
books.emplace_back(999, "Idoru", "William Gibson", 9.99);


The clear() method removes all elements:

// Populate the vector with 10 elements, each with a value of 3.14159
doubleContainer.assign(10, 3.14159); // `doubleContainer` now has 10 elements

doubleContainer.clear(); // `doubleContainer` now has 0 elements



Deletes a single element from a vector.

std::vector<int> intArray;

// Add 10 elements to the vector
for(int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {

// intArray vector is now {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

// Delete 5th element
intArray.erase(intArray.begin() + 4);

// intAarray vector is now {0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9}

Erase Based on a Predicate

You can combine erase with std::remove_if() from the stl <algorithm> header to remove elements in the collection based on a predicate:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

int main()
	std::vector<int> myVec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

	// Predicate is a lambda that returns 0 if the element is even, 1 otherwise.
	// IN this case, `remove-if` removes odd elements.
	myVec.erase(std::remove_if(myVec.begin(), myVec.end(), [](auto x){return x % 2;}),
	for (auto& el : myVec) {
		std::cout << el << (el == myVec.back() ? "" : " ") << std::endl;
	return 0;


When the memory allocated for your vector is exceeded as the vector grows, a re-allocation is triggered. Re-allocation is resource-expensive and should be avoided if possible.

One simple way of avoiding unecessary reallocation is to set a rational capacity for the vector with vector.reserve(). If you do this, re-allocation won’t occur until you exceed the defined reserve.

The method vector.reserve(n) sets the vector capacity such that n elements can be contained. If n is greater than the current vector capacity the container storage will be reallocated, increasing its capacity to n (or greater). vector.reserve() has no effect on vector size and does not alter the vector elements.

If n is less than the current capacity the function call does not cause a reallocation and the vector capacity is not affected.


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