Dev Notes

Software Development Resources by David Egan.

Bitcoin RPC Through SSH Tunnel

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency
David Egan

Bitcoin Core functions as a HTTP JSON-RPC server by means of the bitcoind programme. This means that Bitcoin Core can be controlled remotely by means of HTTP requests.

JSON-RPC is a lightweight remote procedure call protocol. It involves a client sending requests in JSON format to a server. The server (in this case, bitcoind) executes the required function and sends a serialized JSON object back to the client as a response.

Authentication in bitcond is by means of basic HTTP authentication. A username/password combination is set on the server, and requests must supply this data. Because the connection is not HTTPS/TLS, the username/password are exposed in the request. This isn’t a problem if the connection is made on the same computer that is running bitcoind but if the client accesses the server over the network, it opens a security vulnerability.

SSH tunneling fixes this by sending all data over an encrypted channel.

Why Use an SSH Tunnel?

SSH is a standard for secure remote login and file transfer over untrusted networks. SSH can be set up to use port forwarding to tunnel any TCP/IP port over SSH. Because data flows over an SSH connection, it is encrypted in transit. This makes SSH tunneling an obvious choice when sending and receiving sensitive data.

This example involves connecting to a remote bitcoind RPC-JSON server over an SSH tunnel. The application does not allow HTTPS connection. Without SSH tunneling (or similar encrypted channel) sensitive information such as authentication data, addresses and Bitcoin amounts would be sent over a public network in cleartext.

An SSH tunnel can be set up to forward traffic sent to a specified port on localhost to a specified port on a remote host. Forwarding a port from the client machine to the server machine in this way is known as Local Forwarding.

Setting Up the JSON-RPC Server

You can either pass command-line options when starting bitcoind to enable the RPC interface and control other necessary settings, or you can add configuration data in a config file.

The config file approach is probably the most practical, and is the method covered in this article.

When started, bitcoind looks for a configuration file named bitcoin.conf in the bitcoin data directory (under Linux, this is ~/.bitcoin by default). You’ll need to specify:

  • The IP/IP range that is allowed access
  • Authentication credentials

Allow/Restrict IP Address

By default, bitcoind only allows RPC connections from localhost. You can ease this restriction by specifying an IP address in the rpcallowip field in the ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf configuration file.

Example bitcoin.conf allowing RPC access from the 192.168.122 subnet to the regtest network:

# /path/to/bitcoin.conf

# These settings apply to the regtest network only
rpcallowip= # Allow access fromm the 192.168.122 subnet
server=1 # Tells the bitcoin server to accept JSON-RPC commands
rpcuser=yourusername # Required for the JSON-RPC API
rpcpassword=yourpassword # Required

The example shows a config block for the regtest network. To set up access for mainnet, you would provide a similar configuration block for [main].

Security of the JSON-RPC Server

The JSON-RPC server requires basic HTTP authentication. For example, to send a request using curl:

curl --user alice:password123 \
--data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"curltext","method":"listunspent","params":[]}' \
-H 'content-type:text/plain;' \

In this case, the username is alice and the (obviously inadequate) password is ‘password123’.

The request is made to - a virtual machine that shares a network with the client machine making the request. In this case, the local network IP address of the client machine is

The request sends the method listunspent, which is processed by Bitcoin Core and the result returned as a JSON object.

Authentication Data is Sent in Plaintext

Authentication data (user name and password) is sent as base 64 encoded plaintext. This example shows the HTTP header packets including the authorization data.

0000:  504f 5354 202f 2048 5454 502f 312e 310d  POST / HTTP/1.1.
0010:  0a48 6f73 743a 2031 3932 2e31 3638 2e31  .Host: 192.168.1
0020:  3232 2e31 383a 3138 3434 330d 0a41 7574  22.18:18443..Aut
0030:  686f 7269 7a61 7469 6f6e 3a20 4261 7369  horization: Basi
0040:  6320 5957 7870 5932 5536 6347 467a 6333  c YWxpY2U6cGFzc3
0050:  6476 636d 5178 4d6a 4d3d 0d0a 5573 6572  dvcmQxMjM=..User
0060:  2d41 6765 6e74 3a20 6375 726c 2f37 2e34  -Agent: curl/7.4
0070:  372e 300d 0a41 6363 6570 743a 202a 2f2a  7.0..Accept: */*
0080:  0d0a 636f 6e74 656e 742d 7479 7065 3a74  ..content-type:t
0090:  6578 742f 706c 6169 6e3b 0d0a 436f 6e74  ext/plain;..Cont
00a0:  656e 742d 4c65 6e67 7468 3a20 3638 0d0a  ent-Length: 68..
00b0:  0d0a                                             ..

These packets were captured on the server hosting bitcoind, but they show how the data is transmitted over the network.

Note that in the above block YWxpY2U6cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM= represents the base64 encoded user:password combination - in this case, alice:password123. This is not encrypted - it’s simply a base64 representation of the ASCII characters. See for yourself by decoding here. Obviously this is a security vulnerability - an eavesdropper can easily determine the user name and password.

In the case of basic HTTP authentication like this, the connection is not secure unless the exchange takes place over HTTPS(TLS).

The Bitcoin RPC API does not allow connection via SSL - this functionality was dropped in 2015.

Luckily, we can easily fix this by using an SSH Tunnel to connect.

SSH Tunnel

If the computer hosting bitcoind is set up to communicate with a client machine by means of SSH, it is pretty straightforward to set up an SSH tunnel.

Set up SSH local port forwarding on the client machine that will access the bitcoind server - i.e. the computer that will send HTTP requests to the RPC server:

ssh -v -fNL 5555: remote_user@

To send traffic through the ssh tunnel, you now use the host:port combination.

The same data shown above now results in the following packet - approximately, since the data is encrypted and there is no way to tell which bytes constitute the HTTP header:

20:43:28.404868 IP _gateway.44348 > donnager.ssh: Flags [P.], seq 100:376, ack 45, win 296, options [nop,nop,TS val 5081969 ecr 985853552], length 276
0000:  4510 0148 828f 4000 4006 41ac c0a8 7a01  E..H..@.@.A...z.
0010:  c0a8 7a12 ad3c 0016 af75 982e c79e cd40  ..z..<...u.....@
0020:  8018 0128 f86f 0000 0101 080a 004d 8b71  ...(.o.......M.q
0030:  3ac2 ee70 fb68 ceb4 aa74 80d3 aef4 f56b  :..p.h...t.....k
0040:  3794 e39d 9468 888a 7aa4 44d4 377e b1b3  7....h..z.D.7~..
0050:  9a87 f91a d4eb 9650 cb7a 2906 ae71 fca8  .......P.z)..q..
0060:  bd0b c8ec bbe6 01f0 42d1 6c11 e560 ddae  ........B.l..`..
0070:  817e 2fa0 df1c 6f70 ca19 b5d9 bb8e 0dca  .~/...op........
0080:  f5ff 0d3e ab69 a43b 1cc6 cfb7 e8f2 1bca  ...>.i.;........
0090:  cae2 14c4 85a7 f06f 33be f097 f904 713b  .......o3.....q;
00a0:  13cf a482 19d4 b3a2 6ede 887d 2749 b897  ........n..}'I..
00b0:  ed27 3deb d8a2 a60e 96ee 074f 085f d134  .'=........O._.4

Python Example

It is fairly straightforward to wrap the SSH tunnel and request process in a Python programme, as this basic example shows:

SSH Tunnel

import subprocess
from threading import Thread

class SSHTunnel(Thread):
    def __init__(self, local_port, remote_port, remote_user, remote_host):
        self.local_port = local_port
        self.remote_port = remote_port
        self.remote_user = remote_user
        self.remote_host = remote_host
        self.daemon = True

    def run(self):
            str(self.local_port) + ':' + self.remote_host + ':' + str(self.remote_port),
            self.remote_user + '@' + self.remote_host
            raise Exception("ssh tunnel setup failed.")

Configuration Data

	"local_port": 5432,
	"remote_port": 18443,
	"remote_user": "alice",
	"remote_host": "",
	"rpc_user": "alice",
	"rpc_password": "password123"

Request Through the Tunnel

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from ssh_tunnel import SSHTunnel
import requests, time, json, sys
from pygments import highlight, lexers, formatters

def main(config):
    with open(config) as file:
        config_data = json.load(file)
    tunnel = SSHTunnel(

    headers = {'content-type': 'text/plain;'}
    data = '{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"curltext","method":"listunspent","params":[]}'
    response =
            headers=headers, data=data, auth=(config_data["rpc_user"], config_data["rpc_password"])
    response_dict = response.json()
    my_vals = [{
        'txid': x['txid'],
        'amount': x['amount'],
        'address': x['address'],
        'vout': x['vout']} for x in response_dict['result']]
    print(highlight(json.dumps(my_vals, indent=2), lexers.JsonLexer(), formatters.TerminalFormatter()))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Please pass a path to a config file.")

GitHub repo for this example

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